Table Collective is a global community of artists and contemplatives who seek to integrate their creative and spiritual selves.
We gather “at the table” to compassionately see one another, share our creative offerings, and deeply connect with our authentic selves, each other, and our sense of the Sacred/ Divine / Source (however each of us sees that).
Creative people, offering their creative “self” to others frequently hear things or read things like:
“That is a beautiful painting”
“I loved your song”
“That was a powerful poem”
“That was delicious”
Or, maybe even more commonly, nothing.
We put our work, our very “selves”, in front of others. But is anyone paying attention, seeing, hearing, tasting? Is anyone experiencing anything? And if so, what?
Here's how it works:
Step 1: Receive Monthly Art Prompts
Each month you receive a new creative prompt. These will be connected to our monthly art share event themes as an opportunity to further connect. We share them in the monthly newsletter and in the Art Prompts section of the online community.
Find fresh inspiration as you engage with the monthly prompt. Then create something new! It may be a new song, painting, poem, dance, food dish, or other project.
Step 3: Share your creativity
Next, share your creative work in the online community where everyone else is also responding to the same prompts. You can always share other work too!
Step 4: Reflect Compassionately
Take a moment to experience the creative work others are sharing. Reflect on what is happening in you.
Step 5: Connect in Community
Receive feedback and encourage others by sharing your reflections. Connect around the deeper meaning and themes your creative work is exploring.
Do you want to:
Develop your creative self, with regular creative prompts to inspire your work
Go beyond likes, to get real interaction and feedback on how your work impacts other people.
Join in a global community of artists and contemplatives to deepen your compassionate connection with your truest self, with others, the world, and Source.
join now!
Signing up will subscribe you to our email list. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Each newsletter includes:
- Reflections and practices to help you cultivate a compassionate, creative, and connected life
- Monthly creativity prompts to inspire your next artistic work
- Featured art from others in the Table Collective community
- Updates about upcoming events
We think art is meant to be shared, to have an effect in others, and for aspects of its meaning to be co-created as we reflect together on how a painting, a song, a poem, a dance, a joke, impacts us and meets us in our lives.
Six artists will each have 10 minutes to share their creations, from a variety of genres, and describe their creative process, and how their presentations connect with our theme.
We will include space for mindful responses, all aimed at deepening our experience of the art and the artists.
In this course we’re asking, what wisdom might some of the world’s religious heritages have for us to grow as creative, spiritual, and relational people?
The focus is on surfacing insights from each tradition that help you live a creative life and engage in your creative process in whatever walk of life you express that (not just “the arts” as we normally think of them), and in whatever ways you might choose to describe our interconnection with each other and with Source, God, Mystery, the universe, collective consciousness, etc.
Hone your ability to listen for creative inspiration
- Reflect on the ways you notice and attend to yourself and the world around you
- Experience 42 creative cultivation practices
- Create at least 6 new artistic offerings
Discover your unique voice by cultivating your creative self
- Grow in compassion for your deepest self
- Receive wisdom for the creative life from six spiritual heritages
- Grow in awareness of the roots of our creative blocks and ways through them
Share your art as part of a creative community
- Experience belonging, connection, and mutuality as part of a community of artists
- Unpack the ways you relate to others and share (or hide) your creative expressions
- Receive insights, reflections, and encouragement from others
Our Starting Assumption:
Human beings are essentially Creative, Spiritual, and Relational
Creativity and Spirituality come from the same place in our experience of being human. They both bring us into awareness of our own deepest selves, connect us to intuition and consciousness beyond our egos. And they are also deeply Relational because they are experienced most meaningfully in community.
We are creative
It is in our very nature to express who we are and our experiences
We are spiritual
Human beings experience more than ourselves. We are connected to the source of inspiration, however we might conceive of that “More”— Mystery, the universe, God, Spirit, collective consciousness, etc.
We are relational
We are deeply connected to the collective whole of our communities and world. What we create is completed in and with and by community; it is a meeting ground for people of diverse backgrounds, and it connects us with one another, fostering shared experiences and empathy.
Partner with us.
Thank you for interest in the Table Collective! We want to be helpful to you as you nurture your creative nature and invite you to explore what we have to offer. If you have found what we do to be of value to the world, would you consider becoming a “patron” of Table Collective?
Table Collective is funded through individual donations, grants, and registration for the Ancient Wells course (which enables artists to cultivate their creative and spiritual selves). All funds are used to provide for TC’s personnel, event costs, communications, website, software, and office/supplies. Financial report available in request, at [email protected]
Thank you!